Benefits of Membership with GRA
As a new association, GRA will continually build out its portfolio of membership benefits. As an association, GRA backs programs that increase member's access to government officials, professional staff, and issue experts; enhances their ability to educate government officials and their staff about salient issues of the day; combat negative media attention by educating the public and others on why government relations is an essential function of our democracy; enable partnership development with other like-minded professionals, and work with Congress, the Executive Branch, our state and local governments, and our fellow professionals around the world to develop reasonable and balanced policies that benefit their constituencies.
GRA supports its members by providing these valuable benefits:
Through its numerous Know Your Government, Know Your Issues, and Know Your Profession event series, GRA provides valuable opportunities for government relations professionals to network and learn together. Members also have exclusive access to the GRA Membership Directory, providing members with contact information for like-minded members around the globe at the tip of your fingers.
Access to Industry Experts
Through its various monthly events, members of GRA have access to designated issue experts who can provide prompt answers to common questions about lobbying, compliance, ethics, etc.
Access to Elected Officials, Professional Staff and Issue Experts
With its robust schedule of monthly events, members of GRA will have ample opportunity to meet with elected officials, staff, and experts in intimate settings.
Discounts on Events
Members receive generous discounts on registrations to all events, while non-members pay a higher price for the same opportunities.
Educational and Career Development
Through regular webinars, policy briefings, and mentoring programs, members of GRA have exclusive opportunities to further their career development and get ahead of the crowd! Our Webinar Archive will provide access to the information Government Relations professionals need to get ahead in their careers. Led by subject-matter experts, live webinars will bring hot topics to GRA members right where they work, enabling them to fully participate in virtual education sessions from their own offices.
Library of Government Relations Resources
In addition to a comprehensive and up-to-date membership directory of GR professionals, members can find a host of industry resources compiled in one helpful place providing them with the tools and information they need!
Members-only Social Network called “CONNECT!"
GRA offers members access to special social member-only social network,
CONNECT! giving you access to hundreds of your peers 24/7. Connect and get instant answers to all of your questions or exchange knowledge on topics from industry best practices to ethics, from fundraising to grassroots, from compliance to jobs and more.