Meet the Member: Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski (IL)

The Government Relations Association (GRA) -- the fastest growing professional association representing the lobbying, government relations, fundraising, grassroots practitioner, and public policy community -- is pleased to announce the 7th "Meet the Member" event of 2023, and our 82nd in this great series.  Join us and your GRA colleagues when we welcome Cong. Nikki Budzinski (D-IL) on Tuesday May 23rd at 8:30 am, generously hosted by The Alpine Group at 500 North Capitol Street NW, suite 210.  After graduating from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Nikki Budzinski interned for Cong. Dick Gephardt, Senator Paul Simon and Planned Parenthood.  She subsequently worked for the United Food and Commercial Workers union as a national political director here in Washington.  In 2018, during the Illinois gubernatorial elections she led J.B Pritzker's exploratory campaign and was selected to be senior advisor, and -- upon his election -- was named its transition director.  After Gov Pritzker assumed office he selected her for chair of the Broadband Advisory Council (BAC) to expand internet access to rural communities.  In 2020 she resigned to become executive director of Clean Jobs Illinois.   Cong. Budzinski was elected to Congress in November 2022 and sworn into office in January 2023 where she now serves on the following committees: House Agriculture Committee House Veterans Affairs Committee Please join your GRA colleagues for our 7th Meet the Member event of the year (and the 82nd in this series!) when we welcome Cong. Nikki Budzinski (D-IL). When: Tuesday, May 23rd at 8:30 am Where: Virtual and In-Person hosted by the Alpine Group at 500 North Capitol Street NW, suite 210  Cost: $49 for GRA members and $99 for non-members (join now and save on all our 2023 GRA events!)

5/23/2023 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Eastern Daylight Time
Registration is open!